Lose Up To 15 Pounds in a Month Effortlessly

lose weight fast

Losing weight effectively and keeping it off for a long time can be an uphill battle. However, as daunting as it may appear to be, you can actually overcome all the challenge and shed off the excess body fat successfully. People tend to lose hope very quickly whereas weight loss is all about patience and positivity.

It is believed that having a positive outlook also helps to get positive results. Hence, if you want to take up the challenge of losing up to 15 pounds of weight unknowingly in one month – commitment and knowledge is all that you are going to need.

In this article, we bring you the best tips that will help you to cut through the fat layers and reach your ideal body weight in just a month!

Hold onto your seats because we are about to reveal all the secrets to lose up to 15 pounds of weight in merely 1 month in a completely effortless way.

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Tips to Lose Up To 15 Pounds Effectively

Obesity is increasing all around the world at a rather alarming rate. Not only does being fat make you look downright hideous but is also held responsible for causing several health issues.

There is nothing that compares to the sinking when your jeans don’t button up and your expensive Dior dresses to fit any longer. Hence, it is rather important to have some good tips up your sleeve to fight the continuous battle against obesity.

For instance you can try incorporating the use of weight loss supplements such as Phen24 in your daily diet to make sure you keep the calories from accumulating and forming fat layers in your body.

Here are several tips that are guaranteed to help you drop at least 15 pounds of body weight in just a month.

1. Count Your Calories

The best way to lose weight is to control the daily amount of calories you are eating. This is a very methodical way of losing weight. You count your calories per day which means you are controlling the amount of calories that go inside your body.

This strikes a balance between the amount of calories you are consuming and the number of calories you are burning. Depending on a good and reliable calorie counter can help you keep an eye out on what you are eating.

This is an easy way to lose weight because you only need to calculate the amount of calories you need to consumer per day. Healthy eating will not only help you shed the extra flab but also has many other health benefits.

2. Ignore Your Untimely Cravings

If you want to lose up to 15 pounds in a month’s, then you will have to work very hard for it. You will have to stop yourself from giving in to all the untimely chocolate and pizza cravings.

Engage yourself in other activities. Gaming such as Xbox or simply mobile games has been proven through research to help people divert their attention from things.

This is a guaranteed way that will help you keep your mind off the ‘crazy food thoughts’ one gets around mid-night or mid-day.

Must Read: 7 Best Foods for Quick Weight Loss

ignore craving

3. Wave Goodbye to Sugar

This shouldn’t be a big problem for you, until and unless you have a big sweet tooth. There are people who can survive without water but not without sugar. But crystallized sugar or sugar in any form actually, is believed to be the root cause of excess body weight.

You can actually wave goodbye to the excess weight and drop some serious pounds if you wave goodbye to this slim-body-enemy once and for all. Starting drinking your tea without sugar, order drinks that do not contain any artificial sweeteners and just boycott sugar in every shape and form.

4. Trust Weight Loss Supplements

Contrary to popular belief, weight loss supplements such as phen24 actually work! They work by cutting through the body fat layers and speeding up the process of weight loss in totality.

Hence, if your aim is to lose up to 15 days in just 30 days, trust these supplements. One or two pills a day is all it will take to boost your metabolism, enhance the fat burning process and resulting in effective, long-term weight loss.

5. Make Green Tea your Best Friend!

Repeatedly green tea has been nominated as the best candidate for aiding the process of weight loss. Your job is to trust green tea and start consuming 3 to 4 cups of warm green tea in a day.

Replace your regular milk teas or drinks with green tea. The results will be in front of your eyes. It helps to shed body weight by working on the flab in all parts of the body.

It is specifically very helpful to melt the belly fat which is believed to be the most stubborn fat layer in the body.

Must See: 15 Fat-Burning Foods You Need To Know in 2017

salads in meal

6. Include Salads in All your Meals

Fresh fruits and fresh green leafy vegetables are very helpful to aid the process of weight loss. By including salads in your daily meals, you actually make your meal wholesome.

You no longer have to play with around with just a piece of grilled chicken or fish and feel pity for yourself! You can add color, flavor and richness to your meal by including a bowl of fresh salad with every meal that you eat.

Fruits and vegetables that you can use in you salad include almost everything! However, it is recommended to leave out potatoes and bananas.

This particular fruit and veggie are believed to be high in fat ratio as they are rich with carbs and do not help in weight loss at all.


Following a healthy diet, engaging more in some physical activities, sticking to the regular intake of fat burning supplements such as phen24 and making little changes to your lifestyle is the key to weight loss.

Make sure you are looking after yourself well!

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